Sunday, April 19, 2009
ACE coming to OKC

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (founded in 1949 by Dr. Don Barnhouse and Dr. James Boice) has announced their B.B. Warfield Memorial Lecture Series this year will be held in Oklahoma City.

On June 5-6, Rev. Iain Murray will speak at Oklahoma City University on the topic of Revival and Revivalism:
The 2009 BB Warfield Lecture Series will focus on Revival and Revivalism with Rev. Iain Murray on June 5 & 6 at the Meinders School of Business at Oklahoma City University. Rev. Murray will present sketches from the great revivals in the history of the Church. Specifically, he will speak on the Puritans, the first and second Great Awakenings in America, and conclude with the Scottish revival of 1838-1839. The Puritans represent perhaps the greatest expression of revival and reformation in England. George Whitefield is perhaps the greatest evangelist ever in America, and his role in the first Great Awakening contains many lessons for us today. The Second Great Awakening in America was a time of controversy over the content of the gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit. Robert Murray McCheyne and Andrew Bonar are great "lights" from the history of the Scottish Church of the 19th century. With the resurgence of Arminianism in the Church and seeming rejection of Calvinism, is it not proper to suggest that the theology of the Protestant Reformation has been eclipsed? Or are the old truths of the gospel, the supremacy and majesty of God, and the Spirit's sovereign application of the redemption accomplished by Christ still key to the vitality of the Church today?
I'm not sure what is behind the great line of speakers we have been privileged to hear in Oklahoma this year, but it's been wonderful.

Dr. Earl Palmer spoke in February at the Celebration of Faith conference in Tulsa; Dr. Bruce Waltke spoke on behalf of the Whitfield Society in March; and now Rev. Ian Murray will speak on behalf of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals in June. What an opportunity for believers in Oklahoma!

If you are interested in participating in the conference, you can follow this link to register for the event:,,PTID307086|CHID810174,00.html

  posted at 2:07 PM  

Monday, April 13, 2009
Red Mountain Music

If you've never listened to Red Mountain Music, take a second to visit their website and listen to a few samples of their songs. They're an incredibly gifted group that sings hymns in the folk style.

You also can download their songs on I-Tunes. Try out There is a Fountain Filled with Blood. It's one of our favorites.

We're lovin these guys!

  posted at 6:37 AM  

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~ Psalm 34:8

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