Sunday, May 11, 2008
A Church in the House

In 1704, Puritan Matthew Henry wrote a practical sermon entitled, "A Church in the House." This sermon was an encouragement to help fathers develop spiritual life in their homes. He says that "every house should be a little church." Not that it replaces the church, but that it becomes a fountain of blessing for both church and community.
Biographer J.B. Williams recounts the spiritual disciplines practiced in the Henry's household. The simplicity of his method was genius and serves as a good model for the rest of us dads.
Williams writes:
"He was comprehensive, but neither tedious nor hurried. The exercise commenced by invocation...Unless the chapter was short, he divided it into sections; confining himself generally to eight to ten verses, of which he gave a brief and edifying explanation."Henry's sermon on Family Worship is available in a simple to read book. You can order it here, if you're interested.
"Prayer succeeded singing. The whole was usually comprehended within the space of half an hour, or a little more."
"When prayer was over, his children received his blessing, which he pronounced with great seriousness, solemnity, and affection."
"The better to engage the attention of his family, he required from them, at the close of the exercise, an account."
"On the Sabbath, the same order was observed, the household assembling about eight o'clock (a.m.). ...His public engagements on that sacred day were not allowed to interfere with the observance itself."
"The (family) worship being concluded, Mr. Henry took his family to the (church) assembly. After dinner he sang a psalm,... and offered up a short prayer."
"Sunday evening, he generally repeated, in his own house, both Sunday sermons; on which occasion many neighbors attended; the repetition was followed by singing and prayer. Two verses of a suitable hymn were then sung; the blessing pronounced, and the younger children catechized. After supper, he sang the 14th Psalm; then catechized his elder children and servants; heard them repeat what they could remember of the sermons; and concluded the day with supplications."
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